2022 is coming to an end and the new year is fast approaching. For many of us, the end of the year offers a time of reflection. Do you look back with full perspective? Parents, do you look at your personal and professional goals, your family goals, your financial goals, etc.? Athletes, do you reflect upon your athletic goals, educational goals, or personal goals such as family and friendships? How do you measure your success? Is it based on achieving one, two, or more of your goals? Are you looking at your wins and losses…your overall performance? Parents, was your goal to get a promotion or find a new job, get in better shape, spend more quality time with your family, try something new, etc.? Athletes, was your goal to run faster or longer, do better in school, make new friends, etc.

2023 Goals



Holly Crap…That is a ton of questions…which makes me think…Don’t dismiss 2022, do a little self-evaluation to start the new year with good perspective to set realistic goals for 2023. Great coaches (myself included ), no matter the sport, know that the path to success is a process. I believe this includes goal setting as well. You must start by better understanding where you have been…where you are…and where you want to go before establishing and committing to your goals.

I challenge you to do these 2 things as the calendar turns:

  1. Spend just a few minutes reflecting on this past year. Whether you set goals for 2022 or not, think back about what you did and didn’t achieve. Look at it from all angles. Think about your life balance. You don’t have to dwell on it, but just check yourself a bit. Challenge yourself to spend 5 minutes, without your phone, TV, or other distractions. Think about where you are at this point and how you got here. I know that sounds a little deep, but how deep can you really get in just 5 minutes? 😉 Overall, what went according to plan in 2022? What didn’t? With that said, now take on #2.
  2. Think about 4 aspects of your life. Set a realistic and achievable goal for each. Remember, it’s a process. Instead of saying you are going to get a new job by the end of the year, set a goal of updating your resume by March 31st. Instead of saying you are going to increase your batting average by 80 points year over year, set a goal to increase your average by 50 points, halfway through your season. Instead of saying that you want to lose 20 pounds, set a goal of exercising 4 times a week.

Parents, make sure you have one goal that supports your child’s goals, alignment and partnership is key. Think about your mental wellness. Think about your family and relationships. Think about what makes you happy outside of your child’s success…I know that might be impossible but give it a try. Athletes, think about your grades. Think about your friends off and on the field. Think about your family. Think about your athletic performance before and during the season. I know that’s a lot.

Do you need help getting started with your athletic performance goals? Do you want to talk more about it?  You can schedule time with me, Brian Vail via Tips & Tricks. I love this stuff so I’m happy to help.

Happy New Year!